Samstag, März 03, 2007

Contact Details

Not that much time so far for blogging!

Thats maybe the most important thing for now: I've got a new (British) mobile number.
+44 7726 454833

Have seen about 15 rooms in different flatshares during the last week. Picked one of the cheapest in an appartment with three very easygoing people: a theatre manager, a teacher and a fashion designer. Its in Highbury, just around the corner of the new Arsenal stadium. Only problem is that it will only be free from the end of march :-(

Until then I will have to do some couchsurfing and come back to Cambridge more often ;-)

1 Kommentar:

HoM hat gesagt…

Ja coole gegend Mario! Da biste ja ratzefatz in Town. Sehr gut! Hatte schlimmeres bei dir erwartet;-)
Aber solange du nördlich der Themse bleibst passt's schon.

Mein bester, shoppe in schwäbischer Manier für mich mit, neidisch Grüße vom bad in London seienden Ex-Londoner